The Fourth
(Episodes 2-8)

Production: 1-2-3 Production, Eight Production
Producer: Stanislav Bulov
Line producer: Kirill Pantsevich
Director: Stanislav Bulov
Cinematographer: Eugene Verenyov
Production designer: Gulnara Miftakhutdinova
1-st AD: Alina Koroleva
Gaffer: Leonid Avdeev
1-st AC: Mikhail Kozakov
Focuspuller: Evgeniya Zakharova
Dolly: Alexey Voronov, Alexander Skriba
Colorist: Ivan Dorogavtsev
Camera rental: PAAP Cinema Rental
Light rental: LKS rental

An evil spirit presses over an apartment building, where one floor once completely burned down. After the tragedy, local residents begin to feel the presence of an evil force, which becomes the source of more and more troubles. The burnt floor was closed, the button in the elevator was pressed out. It is impossible to get on it unless the spirit wants it. Three friends decide to take a ride on the elevator as a bet - so a simple prank turns into a nightmare when one of them gets stuck on that terrible floor.